Like many of my creations, I used this combo because they were the only veggies left in the refrigerator. Wilting the arugula tames the flavor a bit and makes the stems slightly tough, so you can saute it first in some olive oil or throw it in the omelette raw. I sauteed the tomatoes ahead of time on high heat to give them a little caramelized color. These babies give the omelette sweetness and acidity...just make sure you salt them during cooking to temper the acidity.
As for the omelette, beat 2-3 eggs and pour into a HOT, oiled pan. I prefer aluminum or steel (no on-stick coating). As the bottom cooks, go around the edge of the omelette with a rubber spatula and lift slightly while tilting the pan so that the raw egg in the middle goes underneath the cooked egg. Do this all around the pan to give the omelette a nice texture. Sprinkle in cheese and dump the arugula/tomato mixture on on half and fold over. Serve with the toasted kaiser roll.